Based on 4176 reviews Write a review 75% (3122) 11% (445) 6% (250) 3% (118) 6% (241) 1140 A Charging Cable Agop ozharun It’s perfect J Lumos Firefly Rear Turn Signal Mount Janet Turn Signal Mount It seems pretty sturdy - I did have to widen the mount holes with a Dremel to make it attach to my rear luggage rack A Charging Cable Adolfo Echavarria Better material than original. Excelente. Much stronger Y ahora de tela como el del iPhone. Son unos cracks N Charging Cable Norman Hellman Charging cable I have an original Kick Start helmet . It wasn’t working and I thought I had to send the helmet back , but it was actually the cable which needed to be replaced . Helmet working fine with the brand new cable! C Lumos Remote (USB-C charging) + Handlebar Mount Caroline REYS Commande rapidement expédiée et bien reçue, merci pour votre efficacité ! G Lumos Firefly Rear Turn Signal Mount George Fleischman Versatile Rear Turn Signal Mount I have a recumbent hand cycle that looks like a hybrid between an oversize skateboard and an upside down 10 speed bicycle. L O L it’s lots of fun but drivers are not expecting to see me especially being so low to the ground. It’s been a challenge trying to figure out how to mount my firefly lights and the mini light. So I attempted this rear turn signal mount hoping I could figure out how to attach it to the back of my recumbent bike and it works great. It’s very easy to install and it’s so versatile. It can be attached to a bicycle seat, and also fit perfectly behind the headrest to my recumbent hand cycle. These lights are a lot of fun and they’re definitely a lifesaver. L Lumos Remote (USB-C charging) + Handlebar Mount Lenny Kalavashoti Remote I think it’s brilliant and I’m very pleased with the product G Lumos Firefly Charging Cradle Gerard Manseau Goog job ! Good Service ,Bravo ! J Ultra Visor J V Peterson Salty It’s great that you still stock the Helmet visors as mine became a little salty. Thanks! L Lumos Bike Light Mini Lenny Kalavashoti My new lights They was easy to set up and worked perfect and I’m glad that I got the lights M Lumos Ultra Marcos van Dam Great looking and great performing helmet I have used my Lumos helmet for several years and am very happy with how it looks, fits and how the lights work. A Lumos Ultra E-Bike Axel BAR Amazing Perfect. W Lumos Firefly Walter Ballandis Lumos Firefly Produkt Top , würde ich immer wieder kaufen. Der Service ist einwandfrei,schnell und ohne Probleme. S Ultra Bug Net Scott Tracy Great addition to my Ultra Ebike Another great addition to my Ultra Ebike helmet. I also have the winter liner as well. In New Orleans where we went from 12" of snow to over 80 degrees in a week and the mosquito is our state bird I definitely need this and the winter liner. That is what makes Lumos helmets so versatile. Plus they sync up with my 6 Firefly mini's. I LOVE Lumos and people constantly ask me about my rig and I always tell them to buy it, you will love it too! M Charging Cable Mauro Porcu Magnetic cable Work really well G Lumos Firefly Universal Mount Gerard Manseau Good service ! J'ai été tres bien servi pour signaler une anomalie .Bravo ! Y Charging Cable Yoshi Hirasawa Cable Everything is fine M Winter Liner Menno Dekhuyzen Haven’t seen it yet I have no idea if it is good. I am planning to cycle the GDMBR from July. You don’t sent the item to the Netherlands. So I had it shipped to a good friend in Bellingham. I will arrive the end of June so I won’t see and wear it before that. But The experience with Lumos in general is so good, I have all confidence in the product I will wear on the GDMBR! C Lumos Ultra Customer Best helmet ever Got this and what a comfortable fit. Great lights and ease of use. Recommended to anyone that wants a really safe helmet. Great work guys C Lumos Firefly Rear Turn Signal Mount Chiel De Keijzer Kwalitatief zeer goede helm. Deze helm is van grote kwaliteit. Ziet er ook nog eens geweldig en glanzend uit. De wintervoering is geweldig, lekkere warme oren en hoofd. Naast de wintervoering ook de fireflys met de mount voor achter aangeschaft. Nu dubbele richtingaanwijzers en een remlicht. Nu heel goed en duidelijk zichtbaar in donkere omstandigheden. Het is zeker geen koopje maar voor mij de uitgave meer dan waard. A Lumos Ultra E-Bike Annie GARCIN Beau casque La météo ne m’a pas encore permis de mettre ce casque à l’épreuve mais je donnerai un avis plus circonstancié plus tard M Lumos Firefly Mini Michael Gusek I like this Helmet B Lumos Firefly Balogh Csaba Perfekt Lumos 4 ever😉😜😜😜 G Lumos Firefly George Fleischman New firefly lights go great with my new helmet on my recumbent racing cycle It’s so much fun to ride up the night now. The lights work synchronized. With the helmet lights and also potentially with other riders. There is a wireless application for your smart phone that makes everything work together beautifully. It’s a little bit different, I wouldn’t say complex because it’s simple. It’s just something that requires a little bit of read the instructions before you try to do it type thing lol. The way it’s a super bright. The helmet is very reliable and I’ve got the big firefly lights the mini light attached to my whip antenna, integrated turn signals and it all flashes like a Christmas tree on the Fourth of July!. I had somebody tell me how far away they could see me coming and that made me very happy because I raced my wheelchairs and people just aren’t looking for a guy by himself racing his wheelchair up and down the street maximum visibility is the key. The battery life on the helmet is excellent and there are many different flash patterns that cover everything from a basic headlight for night riding to a daytime flash attention getting light. The firefly lights are very versatile and there are amazingly reasonably priced. Each light is $50 but considering they can operate interchangeably as a headlight side light tail light or turn signal I think they’re wonderfully inventive., and such great safe fun! I had people stop me on the street and ask where they could get one of the helmets. And I come back and grab the fireflies that I’ve got matched up with it and that creates even more excitement. I’ve got the whole outfit matched up with my action camera set for extra fun. I also have a real bright auxiliary helmet light that is attached to my new ultra helmet with in Action camera mount. This used to be my primary light, but the battery runs down too fast so the combination is a lot of fun and I can always take the white off the outside of the helmet and interchange it with a GoPro action camera. If I’ve seen this helmet before I bought the exterior lights I probably would’ve just stuck with the Lumos products. That all around I have no regrets. I almost got ran over by a bus before I put these lights on my recumbent cycle. I lay on my back and operate that thing with my arms and my backside is about 6 inches off the ground even when I’m in the bike lane people are not looking for something that looks like an oversize roller-skate With a person laying on the back LMAO . It almost looks like a runway stretcher! I’ll take some pictures of all the way it’s working together with the helmet on my recumbent. The accessory turn signal switch that’s available at a modest extra price is worth the money because it helps integrate all the lights together with the helmet and as a bonus, it has a sensor That activates a brake light for you. The turn signals even make a tone to remind you to turn them off after you make your turn. I am a space systems integration engineer by trade and this is some exceptional engineering, especially for a consumer products! Keep up the good work! I will keep adding to my collection with my next check. Shine light everybody you’ll never regret it. V Lumos Remote (USB-C charging) + Handlebar Mount Vic Gregory Easy setup So easy too setup and pair with rear light the bake function other following riders is really good hopefully it works to warn car drivers 🤔